Sunday, February 6, 2011

Priesthood Blessings, Prayer and Fasting (posted by Lee)

All,  Michelle has been the one doing the daily updates.  It's Sunday morning and I wanted to share something that is near and dear to our hearts.  We believe in the mission and Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  We believe in the power of healing (if it be God's will) and believe in the power of fasting and prayer.  We've  been directed to fast and pray by the Savior as well as his Apostles.  When I had the opportunity to see Jared for the first time after the accident, it was in an ICU room.  How grateful I am that I had a worthy Elder of the church with me.  Jimmy Andrus Annointed my son's head with consecrated oil (I always carry consecrated oil with me).  I then had the opportunity to "seal" the annointing and pronounce a blessing.  Members of my faith, literally have the same Priesthood Power that the Savior bestowed upon his Apostles when he was on the earth.  This same Power and Authority has been restored in these latter days, in preparation for his Second Coming.  The Priesthood Power has come through an unbroken chain from Ancient Prophets and Apostles to the Prophet Joseph Smith (by the laying on of hands) down to LDS Elders (including myself) in our present day.  How grateful I am for this Priesthood Power and Authority.  I believe that my son will be restored to full health and strength through the blessing he received (laying on of hands) as well as due to the prayer and fasting of hundreds of friends of all faiths and the wonderful medical care he is receiving.  We have hundreds of people in both St. George, Tooele, The Netherlands and South Africa praying and fasting for our son Jared today.  I am most grateful for our friends who have an abiding faith in Christ.

I also wanted to share some thoughts from my darkest moments (when I believed Jared might die).  In between sobs, I was and am most grateful for the knowledge that my son is part of an Eternal Family, bound together through the sealing ordinances of the Temple of God.  The prophet Malachi testified that Elijah would come to the earth again, preparatory to the Second Coming and restore the sealing ordinances of the higher priesthood.  This great occurence was waited for, expected and celebrated as part of the ancient Passover rites of the Hebrews (House of Israel).

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” (Mal. 4:5–6.)

Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children is in reference to families being sealed together, forever, through the Priesthood in God's Holy Temples.  The prophet Elijah held the Priesthood Keys of the sealing ordinances as well as other Priesthood Keys that were restored in our modern days.

I am most grateful to have an eternal family.  I love my Savior and place my faith in him completely.  I know without any doubt that there is another side (from personal experiences too sacred to share in this blog).  I know that I will have my son, spouse and other children with me through the eternities, as long as we remain faithful.

Once again, thank you for your prayers and fasting.  We know that faith and acting upon faith (prayer and fasting) is preparatory for miracles and shows the Lord our willingness to sacrifce, just a little bit. 

First comes the trial of our faith and then comes the miracle!

With much Love and gratitude, 


1 comment:

  1. I was sure that somehow Jared had received a blessing. But what about Lee and Michelle? Have you two received blessings? Being a caregiver is very difficult, especially when your role is watching and waiting. I hope that you can arrange to receive blessings if you haven't yet. You need to feel that Priesthood power in your own behalf also. We love you and are grateful for the advances that Jared is making. xoxox Newells
